Last update - January 2024

Procuremensh Business Partner Code of Conduct

At Procuremensh, we are committed to conducting our business with the highest
standards of integrity, ethics, and compliance. We expect the same level of commitment
from our business partners. This Business Partner Code of Conduct outlines our
expectations regarding anti-money laundering practices and other important principles
that govern our partnerships.

  1. Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Regulations
    • Our business partners must comply with all applicable anti-money laundering
      laws, regulations, and industry best practices.
    • We expect our partners to implement robust due diligence processes to prevent
      their services from being used for money laundering, terrorism financing, or
      other illicit activities.
  2. Ethical Business Practices and Integrity
    • We require our business partners to uphold the highest standards of ethical
      conduct, honesty, and integrity in all their business dealings.
    • Transparency, accuracy in financial reporting, and avoidance of conflicts of
      interest are essential.
  3. Respect for Human Rights and Labor Standards
    • Our business partners are expected to respect and protect human rights,
      including but not limited to freedom of association, fair treatment of workers, and
      elimination of forced or child labor.
    • Discrimination, harassment, or any form of human rights abuse are strictly
  4. Confidentiality, Data Protection, and Privacy
    • Our business partners must handle confidential information, intellectual property,
      and personal data provided by Procuremensh with utmost care and in
      compliance with applicable privacy laws.
    • Unauthorised access, use, or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited.
  5. Fair Competition and Antitrust Laws
    • We expect our business partners to compete fairly and comply with all applicable
      antitrust and competition laws.
    • Collusion, price-fixing, bid-rigging, market allocation, and other anti-competitive
      practices are strictly prohibited.
  6. Environmental Responsibility
    • We encourage our business partners to adopt environmentally sustainable
      practices, minimize their environmental impact, and comply with applicable
      environmental laws and regulations.
    • Efforts should be made to conserve resources, reduce waste, and promote
      responsible use of energy.
  7. Reporting Concerns
    • We encourage our business partners to promptly report any concerns or
    • suspected violations of this Code of Conduct to Procuremensh whistleblower
    • Reports will be handled confidentially and without fear of retaliation.

By partnering with us, you are expected to adhere to this Business Partner Code of
Conduct. Failure to do so may result in the termination of our business relationship. We
believe that by working together, we can create a sustainable and responsible business
ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.

Procuremensh Management